
who the heck are you?! i'm a! wife of b and stay at home mom to son c. a + b = c. currently living on the beach! aspiring to be a minimalist but secretly wondering if i'm destined to be a hoarder, living among my stuff. i guess we are all wannabe's in some regard, right?  i love challenges and projects, especially ones that include cleaning out clutter -- either my own or someone else's. i find it therapeutic and cleansing. but, somehow after each challenge is over, i always seem to accumulate it again. declutter, organize, accumulate, minimize and repeat!  i also love financial blogs and podcasts...and travel, planning dream trips that i never take, along with online shopping where i ceremoniously place items in my basket and then remove them without buying anything. i've always been a reader, reading up to 4 books per week. i speed read and i'm proud of it! two years ago, i set a goal for myself to listen to one or more podcasts per day - finance, minimal